
Learn how to be frugle and save up money

Why should we save?

Savings is the money a person has left over when they subtract their consumer spending from their disposable income over a given time period. Savings can be used to increase income through investing.


Of Americans could not cover a $400 emergency in cash

Saving money can help us

  • Pay ourself first
  • Afford to invest in real estate properties
  • Purchase investment with a higher return on investment
  • Make sure we have an emergency budget

Additional Resources

HTML / CSS / Javascript

Learning to create many static and dynamic web pages online and presented them on demo day competitions.


Learned about truth table, booleans and many other data types using Python.


Self-learning ReactJS through online courses and currently working a financial literacy app with ReactJS.


Learning about different data types and utilizing Java in many applications and self-studying for the AP Computer Science A exam.


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